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Posted: Saturday, 13 September 2021 09:30


WBWE 2021: The Bulk Wine Show back at Amsterdam Rai on 22-23 Nov

Sep 13: WBWE, the international trade fair focusing on bulk wine business, returns for the 13th edition to Amsterdam RAI-its point of origin, with an unmistakable objective of reactivating and boosting business for international wine professionals, after almost two years of global stagnation due to COVID-19 pandemic, and has planned several international features including Seminars by wine icons like Robert Joseph, writes Subhash Arora

Organised by Pomona Keepers, Spain with Vinexposium which is organising for the first time ever, Vinexpo India on 9-11 December 2021 in Delhi with the local partner Inter Ads Exhibitions, WBWE realises that more than ever before, there’s no time to waste. The WBWE Amsterdam has always focused its strategy on a visitor-based maximum-productivity model which offers an opportunity to showcase about 80% of the world’s harvest for bulk wines in just two days at a single location, making it one of the key success factors of this fair.

WBWE Amsterdam has been working hard in finding new methods for buyers to find what they’re looking for in the shortest amount of time and ensuring the highest warranties, especially with Covid changing the way business is done.

Safety guarantee

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the WBWE has been working with Amsterdam RAI to ensure an atmosphere of maximum safety and to guarantee the wellbeing of all participants. Throughout the WBWE the safety of attendees will be foremost. The organisers are taking care of every detail and the peace of mind of each participant will be the top priority.

This pandemic has streamlined the changes that have been taking place for some time within the sector. The bulk wine industry has grown and diversified over the last few years. Given the rise in new packaging and private labels, further business opportunities have emerged not only for large producers but also for medium-size wineries with high-quality wine. The WBWE will ensure space and a voice to these new players at WBWE 2021.

Different bottling perspective

‘We have been listening for many years about the importance of being more sustainable and environmentally-friendly, However, nobody expected that there would be such a limited timeframe, due to Covid. It appears the planet has said ‘enough is enough’ sooner than expected-and the wine sector has a lot of room for improvement in that respect. Bottling everything in origin is no longer an option. It is time to look at bulk wine from a different perspective. Every wine before being bottled is Bulk wine. The question now is- where, when and how much should we bottle,’ says a Spokesperson from WBWE.

In order to make it attractive, the packaging also needs to be looked into carefully. WBWE will also provide some insights to help the exhibitors improve their sales.

Supreme Seminars

DelWine has always maintained that an important aspect of WBWE is a package of excellent seminars- be it the Art of Blending, or Presentation of the Sales of Bulk wine in the world market by the Director-General of OIV in Paris, of which Indian State is a member.

This year WBWE has already announced a special Presentation by the iconic international Speaker-Robert Joseph who is one of the most enlightened minds in the wine world and a force to reckon with.

His field of expertise ranges from winemaking to marketing development and possesses accurate analysis regarding any trend or movement within the sector. His wine label Le Grand Noir has become arguably the biggest selling French label in a difficult market like India in a short period of 5 years.  His strategic outlook has led him to collaborate as a consultant to wine professionals from across the globe. Besides developing successfully his own brand, he writes features for some of the world’s major wine magazines such as Wine Business International, He is a popular, sought-out Speaker conducting masterclasses in several countries.

Robert Joseph will attend the WBWE and share with the attendees some of the key points and challenges that the wine sector will face during this post-pandemic era.

When asked by WBWE what the one-year standstill meant for wine sector, he opined that this was a time that many people analysed the way they did their business. He feels, ‘we shall see some big changes in behaviour, principally led by greater reliance on digital communication. Of course, we’ll still want to meet in person and share stories and bottles, but I suspect that we’ll be less ready to simply jump on a plane.’

Did he learn any constructive lessons from these past months?Many! We don’t need to travel as much as we didZoom meetings can be more productive than face-to-face ones. And that there are always new ways to do things.’

What major challenges does he think the wine sector will face next year and which countries are better equipped to deal with them correctly? ‘I think we are in a state of uncertainty –beyond not knowing what the disease might do next. Will we have an economic boom? Will it be followed by a real recession of the kind we had in 2008?’ Stating the obvious, he adds that online shopping has enjoyed a huge boom.

He has been a constant visitor to WBWE for the last few years and agrees that WBWE is the most professional event he attends every year. Don’t miss the immensely interesting talk and learn about the Future of Wine- a topic he finds so fascinating that he has even written a book which is scheduled to be released soon.

For more information about the Exhibition this seminars and others, visit their website https://www.worldbulkwine.com/en/ or write directly to info@worldbulkwine.com.

Subhash Arora


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