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Indian Decks Cleared for OIV Membership

Posted: Thursday, 03 February 2011 11:28

Indian Decks Cleared for OIV Membership

Within a year of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries taking the in-principle decision for India to join the Paris based International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV , it  has got the proposal cleared from various government departments and now OIV has taken the final step of informing its member states for any possible opposition, hopefully a mere formality and it appears that India is all set to join OIV after those formalities are completed.

According to sources, MOFPI got the final clearance early last month and the decision to apply formally was communicated to OIV immediaely. Previously, after thorough examination of the merits of joining the august body, the Ministry had taken the affirmative step through the positive efforts of the Indian Grape Processing Board. Subsequently, the permission of MEA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was sought as per the government norms. Once the approval was received, the finance  department of the ministry had to give the final clearance which was subject to certain clarifications.

Once an applicant country files the application through its government (the membership is open only to the governments and as such is a matter of great importance and prestige), OIV has to send a copy of the application to all the Member Countries of OIV, according to Article 14 of the new Charter the organisation had received in 2001. The member states have a right to express their favourable or negative opinion for the admission. If a simple majority approves, the country becomes a member by paying the annual membership charges on a pro-rata basis. The charges are based on the level of grape and wine production. India needs to pay very near the base charge, less than 16000 Euros annually.

After the positive decision is conveyed to it, India has one year time to deposit their ratification/accession instrument with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is the custodian of the OIV Treaty, due to geographic reasons.

There is general consensus that all nations will agree to the entry of India. According to the ministry sources, the Indian government’s application was made in mid January. This would mean a positive decision by mid July will be forthcoming. In the meanwhile, the 34th World Vine and Wine Conference, as already reported in delWine is being organised by OIV in Porto, Portugal from 20 to 27 June 2011, by which time the organisation would have definitely received the concurrence of a majority of  its member states.

‘Notwithstanding the results of members’ views,  the Indian delegation will be received with all possible friendship and status at the Porto Conference and we can manage to have them  sit within the Member Countries delegations’ says Federico Castellucci, the Director General of OIV, who has been quite busy, seeking the support for the Indian entry.

It may be in order for OIV to make an announcement to the effect at the Conference since it is an important event of the organisation where all nations are represented. India has been invited to attend the conference even though it will not be an official member by then because of the 6-month restriction. However, if handled professionally the delegates can network with their counterparts from the advanced wine making nations during the conference. 

OIV is an intergovernmental scientific and technical organization with recognized expertise in the field of vines, wines and other viniculture products. It is made up of over 50 member States (governments) and Observers and succeeds the "Office International de la Vigne et du Vin", which was regulated by the Treaty that Portugal subscribed in 1924. India has been given the privilege of joining directly as a member and not an Observer, as is the normal practice.

Those desirous of joining the conference in Portugal and witnessing the historic moment besides attending the technical and scientific sessions, may directly contact the ministry.



Sidd BanerjiSays:

It is always so satisfying to be around your pages.Thanks for such info in details.I wish to attend the international conference as a Press member.Your guidance please.

Posted @ February 14, 2011 16:06


Federico Says:

Dear Subhash, You will also find a small write up on our OIV website: The Government of India, through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, has officially made the request of adhesion to the International Vine and Wine Organisation last 12th of January. This application is the very positive result of one year of meetings and exchange of letters between the OIV and the Ministry and demonstrates the interest of this Country for the vine and wine sector as expressed by the Indian Ambassador, Mr Ranjan Mathai during the last OIV meetings in Beaune in October 2010. This membership ,which will be formally valid after a 6 month lapse of time, due to the diplomatic process of acceptation, will grant  the Indian delegation with the full powers to actively participate in the OIV Executive Committee, the Commissions and Experts Groups , as representatives of the 45th OIV Member State. Cheers. Federico

Posted @ February 12, 2011 11:24


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