Red wine in Moderation can reduce Diabetes by 14% when taken with Food

Posted: Saturday, 18 February 2023 17:32
Red wine in Moderation can reduce Diabetes by 14% when taken with Food
Whether you’re a ‘gin and tonic’ or a ‘whisky with soda’ fan or prefer an ice-cold glass of beer, alcohol is generally considered harmful for health by the medical profession. But according to Dr. Michael Mosley, a British doctor-turned journalist, presenter and author, there’s an exception to the rule. Red wine offers some compelling health benefits that actually lower the risk of type 2 diabetes-when drunk in moderation.
Research from Spain also highlights the drink’s potent effects. The research team noticed that drinking red wine can improve your body’s response to insulin. “You can clear sugar from your blood more quickly. But it’s not just what you drink, but when you drink. It is only protective if you drink with the meal and in moderation”, asserts Dr. Mosley.
Other studies have also noticed that pairing your red wine with a meal is much more effective. A recent longitudinal study even found that this meal and wine combination can hold off type 2 diabetes. Studying 312,000 people for an average of 11 years, the research team noticed that having wine with a meal was associated with a 14 percent lower risk of the blood sugar condition.
Another research, which included 224 teetotaler diabetics, concluded that a medium-sized glass of red wine paired with dinner resulted in better blood sugar control. The reason why red wine seems to be so potent comes down to its main ingredient – grapes. The skins of red grapes have anti-oxidative chemicals called polyphenols, which have been associated with various health benefits, ranging from lower blood pressure to lower cholesterol.
But if you don’t drink alcohol at all, then Dr. Mosley doesn’t recommend you start now. But if you already enjoy the occasional tipple, it might be better to swap your go-to drink for a glass of red wine, says the doctor, adding “Choose red wine, a glass or two – a few days a week. Doing so could benefit your gut microbiome and your heart.”
Speaking on his podcast Just One Thing, Dr. Mosley says, “To mark the end of a busy week, my wife and I are going to be doing something that should protect our hearts and give our gut bacteria a boost.”
You can probably hear the sound of a wine bottle being unscrewed.
DelWine has been recommending for over a decade a glass or two of wine of your choice, preferably red wine with meal, 4- 5 times a week. Women are recommended only one glass (125 mL of 12.5-13% alcohol by volume) due to physiological factors and slightly increased chanced of catching breast cancer. It does not matter at what temperature the wine is served as far as the health is concerned. Of course, we never recommend teetotalers start drinking for health benefits, which should be considered only as bonus, simply because it is not easy for most people to stick to the recommended limits and enter the dangerous zone.
Subhash Arora