Posted:Monday, 12 February 2024 08:30
Focus OIV 2023: Evolution of Wine Production by Colour
The Report analyses in detail the change in consumer trends during the 2020-2021, and comparing with the past. It concludes that the red wine supply and demand has come down significantly from 48% in 2004 to 43% in 2021 whereas white wine has jumped up 3% and Rose has seen an increase of around 1.5%.
The figures are different in India but interestingly we have followed the trends; with red wine decreasing in popularity and other variants-white and rose clocking a similar jump. Here is a Summary of the world-wide trends:
Red wine
Global red wine supply and demand have significantly decreased in the last twenty years.
In 2021 production has declined by 25% since its peak in 2004. The decrease is remarkable also in relative terms: at the beginning of the century, red wines accounted on average for 48% of the total wine production, while in the last few years, the share has dropped to 43%.
White wine
White wine demand and supply at the global level have expanded since 2000. Production of white wine (including sparkling wine) has increased in 2021 by 13% since its lowest level in 2002, and it has overcome red wine production starting in 2013. At the beginning of the century, white wine accounted on average for 46% of the world total, while in more recent years this share rose to 49%. One of the main driving forces behind this increase is a boom in the consumption of sparkling wines.
Rosé wine
In the last twenty years, rosé wine has grown significantly in terms of both demand and
supply at the world level. Global production has seen an increase of 25% between 2001 and 2021. At the beginning of the century, rosé wines represented between 6 and 7% of the world’s production, while in recent years it accounted for more than 8% on the average.
The detailed report has been prepared by the Statistics Department of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) which is celebrating its 100th year of Vine and Wine: 1924-2024. It provides an overview of the evolution of world wine production and consumption by colour (white, rosé and red) during 2000-2021 period. For a detailed Report click:
The International Organisation of Vine and Wine is an intergovernmental organization dealing with technical and scientific aspects of viticulture and winemaking. The scope of OIV includes grape production for all purposes, including table grapes and raisin production. The membership is open to wine or grape producing countries who may join through their governments only. India was the 49th member of the prestigious organization, elected unanimously and it joined OIV through a Presidential decree signed by former President Pratibha Patil.
Pau Roca had been elected as the Director General for a 5-year term in 2018 and had visited India once. Unfortunately, he passed away in December 2023 after a long illness, while in office.
Subhash Arora